
Which is this IPv6 protocol about of which everyone speaks ?

IPv6 is a new Protocol Internet, intended has to replace IPv4 (current protocol IP) in the future
it offers a better flexibility, a better safety, and finally (more waited) - a gigantic space of addresses.
The transition will not be done has one hour precise but gradually, currently it already started ...

One of these principal advantages is that it has a *VERY* large field of broad addresses

for IPv4 it is of the 32 bits: x.x.x.x où 0 < x < 255
a valid IPv4 address can be

for IPv6 it is of the 128 bits: xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx where 0 < x =< f (hex value)
a valid IPv6 address can be 3ffe:1200:3028:84ef:0000:0000:0000:0080 (IPv6 of this site)
who is the equivalent of 3ffe:1200:3028:84ef::80 - read the section IPv6 notation for more information

Protocol in details :

  • Addresses on 128 bits
  • Notation CIDR is completely adopted and the concept of classes is definitively abandoned ( IPv6 / prefix length )
  • Address Types

Utilisation en Formats pTLA et sTLA (sur le RIPE)

3 13 13 6 13 16 64
Public Topologie /48 Site Topologie Interface
Network Portion /64 Host Portion /64

Utilisation en Formats pTLA et pNLA (sur le 6BONE)

16 8 24 16 64
Public Topologie /48 Site Topologie Interface
Network Portion /64 Host Portion /64
  • FP
    • Prefix format for the addresses of the type << Aggregatable Global Unicast Adress >>
    • prefix Value 001(0) ou 2000::/3
    • 1/8 of the space of IPv6 addressing
  • TLA ID
    • Top Level Agregation Identifier
    • on 13 bits => 8192 possibilities
    • prefix length : /16
    • Sub Top Level Agregation Identifier
    • prefix length : /29
  • NLA ID
    • Next-Level Agregation Identifier
    • prefix length : /48
  • /48 Représente l'ensemble de la topologie publique
  • SLA ID
    • Site-Level Agregation Identifier
    • On 16 bits => 65535 subnet
    • prefix length : /64
  • /64 Represent the portion of the network
  • Interface ID
    • Interface Identifier
    • Identifier of total interface on 64 bits
    • Format EUI-64 of L'IEEE
  • Aggregation of the fields of 0

-Ex:   3ffe:1200:3028:84ef:0000:0000:0000:0001

Become 3ffe:1200:3028:84ef::1/64

  • Loopback Address ::1
  • Indefinite Address ::
  • Link-Local Address FE80::/64
  • Until now new recording of the type AAAA (RFC 1886)
  • Today replaced by A6 (not totally) (RFC 2874)
  • Until now new reverse zone ip6.int (before : in-addr.arpa)


  • Length of prefix 40 bytes (64-128-128)
  • 8 Fields for IPv6 instead of 14 for IPv4
  • More field checksum (saving of significant time in the routers)
  • The option left the heading, it are between this one and the data
  • Alignment on 64 bits
  • CF RFC 2460 (remplace RFC 1883)
  • Neighbor Discovery (RFC 2461)
    • Use 5 ICMPv6 Messages (RFC 2463)
    • Allow <<State Less>> configuration (RFC 2462)
    • Recovery of the prefix network
    • For the routers, facilities at the time of the change of prefix
  • DHCPv6
  • Path MTU Discovery (RFC 1981)
  • Utilities and Protocols
    • ping, telnet, ftp, rlogin, etc ...
    • Server www & clients
    • sendmail, DNS
    • Neighbor Discovery
    • IPsec
    • RIPng, BGP4+, IDRP
    • No serious implementation of new functionalities DNS
    • Idem for the internal protocol of routing, right RIPng for the moment (No OSPFng)
    • Books/Documents
      • IPv6 theory and practical Gizèle Cizault O' Reilly (2em edition)
      • RFC 2373 Adressing Architecture
      • RFC 2374 Aggregatable Global Unicast Adress Format
      • RFC 2375 Multicast Adress Assignment
      • RFC 2450 TLA Assignment


Where then I to download IPv6 ?

You can't :). A protocol is not downloadable. It is used to download other things
What you "can" download is an implementation of IPv6 on your operating system, if it exists

It is necessary for you to pass has the xonfiguration stage.

Jean Théry

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